Pastry Cream

Italian pastry cream is a versatile and delicious custard that can be used in a variety of desserts

Italian pastry cream, also known as crema pasticcera, is a versatile and delicious filling that can be used in a variety of desserts, or used to top fresh fruit.

Made with just 5 ingredients: egg yolks, sugar, milk, vanilla, and all purpose flour.

Start by combining the egg yolks and sugar. Use a whisk to mix together until light and frothy.

Stir in the all purpose flour and whisk until well combined. The mixture will be thick.

Slowly pour in the hot milk while continually whisking. Pour in a saucepan and cook for 5-7 minutes to thicken.

Pour the Italian pastry cream though a mesh sieve set over a bowl. Press into bowl to remove any lumps.

Cover the pastry cream with plastic wrap being sure the wrap is directly on the custard. Chill in the fridge for an hour.

Once the pastry cream has chilled, whisk it well then serve! Great for filling cream puffs, tarts, or topping fresh fruit.

Italian Pastry Cream is a simple and easy dessert that's great on its own! Get the recipe below!